Develop PC control programs for the company's high-value core equipment, and develop software tailored to customer needs to increase the company's value, contribute to performance, and deliver value that exceeds customers’ expectations.
Select and order electrical components according to the specifications and functions of the equipment, and draft electrical circuits. Additionally, perform programming tasks for control devices (PLCs) and provide support for sales specification negotiations and feedback from the equipment design team to address issues encountered during commissioning. Support customer service tasks to minimize equipment problems, and collaborate on proposals for the development of new equipment to minimize development costs.
Analyze the internal and external business environment and establish short- and mid-term business plans through a management diagnosis focused on the sustainable growth of the company. Build a collaboration system that spans the organization, and create and support detailed action plans to achieve goals.
In charge of recruitment, assignment, training, evaluation, compensation, promotion, retirement, etc. through job research and job analysis to efficiently utilize and foster human resources that will achieve the company's goals, and improve and operate its personnel system.
Provide necessary support for employees' work activities and the efficient management of company assets to achieve the organization's management objectives. Perform all duties to maintain the company's image internally and externally. In addition, enhance safety by responding to and maintaining legal matters relating to the environment, health and safety, and fire protection.
Responsible for troubleshooting and the efficient operation of S/W, such as the ERP and groupware required for company operation, as well as for performing quantified data analysis to provide objective data across all operation routes of the company and contribute to stable operation by managing the computer equipment, such as laptops and desktops, and the entire company network.
A process or system to provide financial information that will aid in making rational economic decisions to those with an interest in a particular economic entity.
To help managers make decisions, collect, classify, process, and analyze appropriate information, providing necessary information that assists managerial decision-making, including accounting, budgeting, controlling managerial activities, and performance evaluations that are reported to managers.
Maintain a level of quality that ensures customer satisfaction and find and resolve the causes of defects based on quality reporting and taking the nature of the process into account.
Ensure flawless and consistent quality and perform whatever work is required to resolve any quality-related issues as they arise.
To physically manufacture equipment, refine its design with the 3D CAD, considering in detail the functionality, durability, operability, assembly, productivity, and cost of production, and manage the completed drawings for efficient production.
The manufacture of development equipment requires a foundation in engineering principles and an understanding of mechanical structures and component parts, as well as expertise in dynamics. These principles are translated into tangible form using 3D CAD software, and the finalized drawings are managed efficiently.
This entails follow-up management service with an emphasis on customer satisfaction through providing a timely response to customers who had their equipment delivered, as well as contribution to company growth through ways to minimize costs.
Manage all activities related to production and efficiently utilize human and material resources to effectively achieve company goals. Perform a series of activities that includes building and executing plans, directing, and controlling, especially in relation to production
Recognize the new vision and direction of the company based on the production strategy to stabilize competitiveness and product quality, and actively implement them for the company's continuous growth.
Engage in export operations by establishing export/import plans, categorizing export/import requirements, building export/import processes, and preparing export/import documents in accordance with domestic and overseas regulations.
To procure and supply the materials required for production in a timely manner, identify material characteristics and lead times, and plan procurement quantities and schedules by establishing units, means, and methods.
Remove non-conforming parts after an incoming inspection according to the incoming material quantity and quality control standards, and manage conforming parts according to the materials arrangement plan. Conduct systematic purchasing and materials management work according to the ERP program.
Perform online and offline promotional activities, such as establishing brand strategies, product planning, and managing exhibitions and company website to enhance the company's image and sell products for sustainable growth.
Generate revenue from sales activities with buyers located overseas. Involved in all processes, including finding buyers, winning a contract, coordinating production, managing complaints, and invoicing customers. In addition, share market trends internally and provide a vision for the development of next-generation products through continuous market research.