Global SMT Platform Leader

  • Environmental Management
  • Actions in Env. Management
  • Datas in Env. Management

Environmental Management Practices

YJ Link obtained ISO 14001 certification for our environmental management system in 2022, and established an environmental management policy and shared it throughout the organization to ensure that all employees actively participate in environmental management practices.=> YJ Link obtained ISO 14001 certification for our environmental management system in 2022 and established an environmental management policy, which was shared throughout the organization to ensure active participation of all employees in environmental management practices.

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Environmental Management Policy

  • 1. We perform the 3R (Reuse, Recycle, Reduce) principles to prevent environmental pollution and efficiently utilize resources.
  • 2. We strive to develop environment friendly products from environment conscious design and research.
  • 3. We promptly and actively respond to customer requirements and domestic/international environmental regulations, while taking thorough preventive measures.
  • 4. We engage stakeholders in environmental management activities to exchange opinions, and maintain a smooth flow of environmental information among employees by regular environment educations. => We engage stakeholders in environmental management activities to exchange opinions and maintain a smooth flow of environmental information among employees through regular environmental education sessions.
  • 5. We pursue continuous improvement through regular review and enhancement of our environmental goals' achievement levels.
Environmental Management INITIATIVE/PROJECT
Strengthening of environmental management system
(Certification management)

  • Establishing and strengthening ISO 14001:2015 (Maintenance and management)
  • Reviewing compliance with environmental regulations and revisions
  • Setting and managing environmental objectives for each department
Eco-friendly campaign
  • Minimizing disposable item usage and encouraging the adoption of reusable containers (cups)
  • Energy saving campaign
  • Strict implementation of recycling and promoting waste reduction in daily life
Waste reduction initiatives
  • Using recyclable pallets for sustainability
  • Reducing defect rates for all products in every production process
Investment in renewable energy
  • Installing solar power generating system (100kW)
Greenhouse gas (carbon emission) reduction efforts
  • Maintaining optimal indoor temperature at the workplace
  • Encouraging public transportation for commuting and promoting the adopting eco-friendly company vehicles
  • Centralized control system for cooling and heating (Monitoring)
  • Promoting the development of environment friendly equipment and products production activities
Environmental education
(Enhancing employee awareness of environmental management)
  • Real-time sharing of key environment issues

Environmental management data

In response to the recent strengthening of greenhouse gas regulations and the rapid pace of climate change, YJ Link is taking proactive measures. We have successfully completed the replacement of all lighting in our factory premises with LED fixtures, aiming to promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Currently, we are in the process of installing solar power generation facilities. Additionally, we have implemented real-time monitoring of air conditioning and heating power consumption to enable effective control and management. To further bolster our efforts, we have launched an energy-saving campaign that actively involves all employees. Since 2022, we have been dedicated to systematically managing data related to both direct and indirect energy consumption, as well as emission levels. This initiative enables us to identify and analyze key factors contributing to energy consumption and emissions in a structured manner. Once our management system is firmly established, we plan to collaborate with our overseas corporations to integrate data for comprehensive management.

Energy Consumption
CATEGORY UNIT 2021 2022 2023
Electricity Usage GJ 3386.5 3099.1 3704.4
Diesel and Gasoline GJ 301.45 355.88 378.75
Total GJ 3687.95 3454.98 4083.15
Direct GHG Emissions (Scope 1)
CATEGORY UNIT 2021 2022 2023
Gasoline tCO2-eq 14.3 16.8 20.4
Diesel tCO2-eq 6 7.1 5.3
Total tCO2-eq 20.3 23.9 25.7
Water Management(Water Supply)
CATEGORY UNIT 2021 2022 2023
Factory 1 ton 1184 1269 244
Factory 2 ton 625 555 81
Total ton 1809 1824 325
Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 2)
CATEGORY UNIT 2021 2022 2023
Factory 1 tCO2-eq 235.7 206.6 296.6
Factory 2 tCO2-eq 210.9 202.1 176
Total tCO2-eq 446.6 408.7 472.6
YJ Link Co., Ltd | Address : 110, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, South Korea | CEO : Soon-il Park | TEL : 053 592 1723 | FAX : 053 592 1724

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