Global SMT Platform Leader

Chapter 1 General principles

Article 1 【Purpose】

The purpose of this regulation is to establish guidelines for the comprehensive management and proper disclosure of the Company's insider information. It aims to facilitate timely and accurate disclosures while preventing insider trading by executives and employees, ensuring compliance with the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act (referred to as the "Act") and other relevant regulations.

Article 2 【Definitions of Terms】

① In this regulation, "insider information" refers to information subject to disclosure obligations under Part 1 of the KOSDAQ Market Disclosure Regulations (hereinafter referred to as "Disclosure Regulations") and other matters that may affect the company's management , property situation, or investors' investment judgment

② In this regulation, a 'disclosure officer' is a person authorized to perform reporting duties on behalf of the company as outlined in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Disclosure Regulations.

③ In this regulation, 'executive' refers to a director (including individuals falling under any of the subparagraphs of Article 401(2), Paragraph 1 of the Commercial Act) or an auditor.

④ All terms used in these Regulations other than those defined in Paragraphs 1 through 3 shall be defined in accordance with the definitions used in relevant laws and regulations.

Article 3 【Scope of Application】

These regulations govern matters concerning disclosure, insider trading, and insider information management, except as stipulated by applicable laws, regulations, or the Articles of Incorporation.

Chapter 2 Managing Insider Information

Article 4 【Managing Insider Information】

① Executives and employees must handle any insider information they learn in the course of their duties with strict confidentiality and refrain from sharing it with internal or external parties unless necessary for business purposes.

② The CEO is responsible for implementing necessary measures to manage insider information, which includes setting specific standards for storing, transmitting, and disposing of insider information and related documents.

Article 5 【Disclosure Officer】

① The CEO must appoint a disclosure officer and report their name to the Korea Exchange. This requirement also applies in the event of a change in the disclosure officer.

② The disclosure officer is responsible for tasks related to establishing and operating the insider information management system and must perform the following tasks.

1. Ensuring disclosures 2. Reviewing and evaluating the operation of the insider information management system 3. Assessing insider information and deciding whether to disclose it 4. Implementing measur esessential for operating theinsider information management system, such astraining for executives andemployees 5. Directing and supervising departments or individuals responsible for managing or disclosing insider information 6. Any other tasks deemed necessary for the effective operation of the insider information management system by the CEO.

③ The disclosure officer shall be granted the authorities specified in each of the following subparagraphs.

1. The authority to require submission of and access to documents and records considering insider information 2. The authority to obtain necessary input from executives and employees of the accounting or auditing department, as well as other departments involved in generating insider information.

④ In carrying out his or her duties, the disclosure officer may consult with the executives in charge of related business as necessary, and may also seek assistance from outside experts at the Company's expense.

⑤ The disclosure officer shall regularly report the operation status of the insider information management system to the CEO (or the board of directors).

Article 6 【Disclosure Manager】

① The CEO must appoint a disclosure officer and report their name to the Korea Exchange. This requirement also applies in the event of a change in the disclosure officer.

② The disclosure manager takes instructions from the disclosure officer regarding insider information management and is responsible for the following duties.

1. Collecting and reviewing insider information, then reporting to the disclosure officer 2. Tasks essential for enforcing disclosure. 3. Identifying matters crucial for managing insider information, like changes in disclosure-related laws and regulations, and reporting to the disclosure officer 4. Any other matters deemed necessary by the CEO or the disclosure officer

Article 7 【Concentration of Insider Information】

In any of the following circumstances, executives and department heads shall provide information to the disclosure officer in a timely manner

1. Insider information comes up 2. There are reasons to cancel or revise insider info that's already been disclosed 3. Other cases as requested by the disclosure officer

Article 8 【External Provision of Insider Information】

① In cases where executives or employees, for business reasons, unavoidably must provide insider information to counterparties of the Company, external auditors, representatives, or individuals with consultancy agreements with the Company such as legal or management advisors, etc., they must report the fact to the disclosure officer.

② If an executive or employee reports as per Paragraph 1, the disclosure officer shall take necessary measures, such as entering into an agreement on the confidentiality of the relevant insider information.

Chapter 3 Disclosing Insider Information

Article 9 【Types of Disclosures】

The Company's disclosures are categorized as follows

1. Reporting and disclosure of key management matters pursuant to Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 1 of the Disclosure Regulations 2. Inquiry disclosures pursuant to Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 2 of the Disclosure Regulations 3. Fair disclosures pursuant to Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3 of the Disclosure Regulations 4. Voluntary disclosures pursuant to Part 1 Chapter 3 of the Disclosure Regulations 5. Filing securities reports, etc. pursuant to Part 3 Chapter 1 of the Act 6. Submission of business reports, etc. pursuant to Articles 159, 160 and 165 of the Act and Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4 of the Disclosure Regulations 7. Filing reports of highlights pursuant to Article 161 of the Act 8. Disclosures pursuant to other laws and regulations

Article 10 【Execution of Disclosures】

① When a reason for disclosure specified in Article 9 occurs, the disclosure manager shall report to the disclosure officer with necessary contents and documents.

② The disclosure officer shall review whether the contents and documents of Paragraph 1 violate any relevant laws and regulations, report his or her determination to the CEO, and disclose it.

Article 11 【Post-Disclosure Measures】

The disclosure officer and manager shall promptly rectify any errors or omissions in the disclosure.

Article 12 【Media Coverage, etc.】

① Generally, the CEO or the disclosure officer is responsible for responding to requests for coverage from media organizations, etc. If needed, executives or employees from relevant departments may also be available for interviews.

② If the Company plans to distribute a press release to the media, it should first consult with the disclosure officer.
The disclosure officer, if necessary, will then report matters related to the press release distribution to the CEO

③ Executives or employees who notice inaccuracies in a press release must promptly report them to the disclosure officer.
The disclosure officer will then report relevant matters to the CEO and take appropriate action.

Article 13 【Company Information Session】

Information sessions about the company's management, business plans, and prospects will be organized in coordination with the disclosure officer.

Chapter 4 Regulations Regarding Insider Trading, etc.

Article 14 【Return of Shortswing Profits】

① As stipulated by Article 172 Paragraph 1 of the Act and Article 194 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act, if executives and employees sell the specified securities (hereinafter referred to as "specified securities") stipulated by Article 172 Paragraph 1 of the Act within 6 months after purchase, or if they purchase the specified securities within 6 months after selling the specified securities to gain profits (hereinafter referred to as "short-swing profits"), they shall return the profits to the Company

② If shareholders of the Company (including those who own equity securities or securities depository receipts other than shares, the same shall apply hereinafter in this Article) demand that the Company request the return of short-swing profits from those who gained such profits as per Paragraph 1, the Company must take necessary measures within 2 months from the date of receiving such demand.

③ If the Securities and Futures Commission notifies the Company of the occurrence of short-swing profits pursuant to Paragraph 1, the disclosure officer shall disclose each of the following items on the Company's website without delay

1. The position of the person who must return short-swing profits 2. The amount of short-swing profits 3. The date on which the Company was notified by the Securities and Futures Commission of the occurrence of short-swing profits 4. Plan for claiming shortswing profits 5. Shareholders of the Company may demand that the Company request the return of shortswing profits from those who have gained such profits, and if the Company fails to make such request within 2 months from the date of the demand, the shareholder can make such request on behalf of the Company

④ The period of disclosure in Paragraph 3 shall be 2 years from the date of notification of the occurrence of shortswing profits by the Securities and Futures Commission or the date of return of shortswing profits, whichever comes first

Article 15 【Notification of Purchase and Sale of Specified Securities, etc.】

As per Article 172, Paragraph 1 of the Act and Article 194 of its Enforcement Decree, executives and employees must notify the disclosure officer of any engagement in the purchase or sale of specified securities or other transactions.

Article 16 【Prohibited Use of Undisclosed Material Information】

As per Article 174, Paragraph 1 of the Act, executives and employees are prohibited from using undisclosed material information (including that of affiliated companies) for purchasing, selling, or engaging in other transactions involving specified securities.

Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

Article 17 【Education】

The disclosure officer and manager must undergo training on disclosure as outlined in Article 36 and Article 44, Paragraph 5 of the Disclosure Regulations. Furthermore, the disclosure officer is responsible for informing relevant executives and employees about the training content.


Article 1 【Effective Date】

This regulation comes into effect on October 18, 2024.

In October 2023, YJ Link introduced a new code of ethics to encourage ethical management practices and is now working on establishing procedures and guidelines, such as an internal reporting system, in line with this code.

YJ Link Co., Ltd | Address : 110, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, South Korea | CEO : Soon-il Park | TEL : 053 592 1723 | FAX : 053 592 1724

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