Global SMT Platform Leader

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YJ Link Co., Ltd. is a global supplier that is manufacturing and exporting board handling equipment, laser marking machine and routers for SMT Automation Process.

Since the establishment of a manufacturing plant in Galsan-dong, Seongseo, Daegu on June 16, 2009, our plant has expanded and relocated to Secheon, Daegu, in 2012.
In order to further expand our production base in 2019, we established a production corporation in Vietnam.

With continuous product development in the SMT field, as an AVL (Approval Vendor List) company that has been recognized for its product quality and responsiveness from customers around the world in automotive, electricity & electronics, defense industry and medical fields, we are becoming the leading manufacturer of SMT peripherals in Korea with continuous sales growth.
Especially in the center of the 4th industrial revolution, by providing Smart Conveyor System of SMT Automation Process which is a specialized service of YJ LINK and Visual Support, we are providing prompt and accurate service as well as customer needs.

In the future, we will be a leader in linking the world to reflect the needs of our customers with steady technology development.


  • Company Name YJ Link Co., Ltd.
  • Location (headquarters) 110, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, South Korea
  • Established June 16, 2009
  • CEO Soon-il Park
  • Area of Business Machinery, Instruments, and Trade
  • Key Industries SMT Smart Process Equipment (PCB transfer/tracking, pre- and post-SMT processes)
  • Contact Information 053-592-1723 ㅣ F 053-593-1724

Global Network

  • 7 Corporations
  • 2 Warehouses
  • 30 Partners
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    YJ Link Corporations

    (South Korea, Vietnam, Mexico, Germany, Japan, China, India)
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    YJ Link Manufacturing Plant

    (South Korea, Vietnam)
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    YJ Link Warehouses

    (Germany, Mexico)
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    (Americas, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa)
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Certifications and Awards

  • Certifications / Awards
  • Intellectual Property Rights
Ministry of SMEs and Startups Letter of Commendation for Distinguished Contr…
Daegu Technopark Star Company Incubation Project Letter of Commendation
Daegu SME Grand Award
Presidential Commendation
Commendation by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
KAIST KCAMP Management Grand Award
InnoBiz Certificate
Certificate of Excellence for Import and Export Safety Management_AEO
Material Parts and Equipment Specialist Certificate
Innovative Leading Company in Daegu Certificate
Employment-Friendly Company Certificate
UNGC_Global Compact Certificate
ISO45001 Certificate
ISO14001 Certificate
ISO9001 Certificate
Business Innovation Type (Main Biz) SME Certificate
Star Company 100 Certificate
Venture Company Certificate
Certificate of trademark registration
Certificate of trademark registration
Certificate of trademark registration_NOVLUX
Design Registration Certificate_표면실장 장비용 인쇄배선회로기판
Design Registration Certificate_표면실장 장비용 인쇄배선회로기판
Design Registration Certificate_리니어베어링
Patent certificate_Expandable shuttle conveyor for PCB manufacturing line
Patent certificate_Turning conveyor device
Patent certificate_PCB device capable of modularized assembly, and its assembl…
Patent certificate_Autonomous magazine supply and retrieval device for SMT pro…
Patent certificate_Cutting method for printed circuit boards using laser route…
Patent certificate_Stencil storage device
Patent certificate_Printed circuit boards coating device and its control metho…
Patent certificate_Laser marking device
PCB cleaner_YPC-1X100
Shuttle loader_YSL-1X10
Horizontal turn-motor_YHT-1M00
Vertical turn-motor_YVT-1X00
Gate conveyor_YGC-1M10
Work conveyor_yWC-1X20
Connection conveyor_YCC-1M30
Tower-rack+NG Conveyor
Vacuum loader-edge_YVL-1X00
Magazine unloader_YMU-1M00
Laser marking machine_YLM-1X00
Horizontal turn-motor_YHT-1M00
Vertical turn-moter_YVT-1X00
Gate conveyor_YGC-1M10
Woek conveyor_YWC-1X20
Connection conveyor_YCC-1M30
Tower-rack+NG Conveyor_YTN-1M00
Vacuum loader-edge_YVL-1X00
Magazine unloader_YMU-1M00

How to get here

    • Head Office

      110, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, Korea (42921)

    • Contact number


YJ Link Co., Ltd | Address : 110, Secheon-ro 1-gil, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, South Korea | CEO : Soon-il Park | TEL : 053 592 1723 | FAX : 053 592 1724

Copyright ⓒ YJLINK All Rights Reserved.

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